Find ENDLESS Content Ideas For Social Media with These Free Tools!

Pro Advice Yassmin Yasser Last update 5 years ago
The free tools presented in the article below will bring an end to your continuous struggle to find new content ideas for your social media

Finding new content ideas for social media is a never-ending tiring process. As a blogger, a social media marketer, or a business owner, your audience expects your content to show on their timeline regularly. And not just that, but also the content ideas for social media you come up with, should be unique, informative, and grabs their attention.

Not a course for the faint-hearted, huh?

In this video, Kim Jimenez, a digital marketing strategist, will tell you how to find countless content ideas for social media fast using some basic content creation tools!

Content ideas for social media are endless!

If you believe in it, you’ll achieve it!”

Whether you want to find content ideas for Instagram or speed up finding content ideas for your youtube channel, the first two things you have to do are:

  •  Believe that content ideas are endless 
  • Allow yourself to get inspired by literally everything that surrounds you.

Setup this mindset, and then let’s get to business.

How to Find Content Ideas For Social Media For Free?


Quora is the Biggest Q and A platform where people can ask anything about anything, and other internet users will answer them.
There isn’t a time when you searched for something on Google, and Quora’s discussion didn’t show up.

Quora lets you see things from other people’s eyes, what concerns the community, and has their attention for the time being. So why not take leverage of that platform to find content ideas for your social media? 

Quora works like any search engine, open the website, and type in what is it you’re searching for, and results will pop. But check those hacks below to find the best content ideas quickly using this content creation tool.

Search for the word, not the topic

Let’s say you want to find content ideas for blog that talks about Makeup. 

If you search for the topic, Makeup, and you kept scrolling through the results, you’ll surely find an idea or two, but there’s a way to speed up the process and find content ideas fast.

Select search for the word “MakeUp” instead of the topic ‘’ Makeup.’’

Questions and discussions that have the word Makeup will begin to appear in your search results.

Things like,

What is your best makeup advice for a beginner?

What cosmetics are cheap but good quality and effective?

What are some tips for applying eye makeup?

Now click on the question or discussion that you feel is related to your Niche and go through people’s responses and decide if they’re genuinely interested in this topic. 

Here you go, a bunch of content ideas for social media on a silver platter, you can head to creating your content!

Now you can see why Quora is essential in your toolbox.

Find Content Ideas With Google:

How many times do you run to google with vague lyrics or explainable questions in the middle of the night? 

Yup, Google has the answer for everything; that’s why it is the number one tool to find content ideas for social media or blogs.

How to make the most out of the world’s most popular search engine to find content ideas for social media and blogs?

Keep on reading the following tips 

Make Use of The Autofill Function In Google.

Let’s keep using the same makeup blog example.

First, type in Makeup in google but don’t leave it to that, add before it “How to” and check the suggestions google shows you.

If you still feel that the answers are too broad, add one more word to your search. For example, How to eye Makeup. 


Make sure you check the people’s ask and answer section that appears on top of your search results page. These questions can make excellent content ideas for social media or blogs.

Do The Same With Youtube And Pinterest!

You already got the grip of things, head to Youtube or Pinterest, and do the same.

Search, find out if the topic is engaging to the public, make sure it’s applicable with your Niche, and here you go!

Listen To Your Audience!

How to find content ideas that are interesting to your audience? 

Ask them!

If you’re still in the beginning and don’t get many questions in your messages yet, start the conversation!

You need to be always in contact with your audience and make them feel included in the process of creating content ideas for social media or blogs or anything.

  •  Find content ideas for Instagram by posting polls in your stories, giving them choices about what they prefer to see.
  • Send out surveys to your email list.
  •  Find content ideas for youtube channel by asking people to post their questions or suggestions in the comments.

Always keep in mind that it’s a back and forth conversation, put down the mic every once in a while, listen to what they have to say then create content for social media based on it all.

As you can see, all the content creation tools and tactics Kimberly mentioned are based on discovering what interests the audience and use what you find to create content for social media.

Implement the techniques mentioned above and let us know in the comments below, which helped you best find content ideas fast.